
I am a Principal Architect at vidalung.ai and MSc in Computer Science. Here I share some thoughts on remote working and technology.

I am a self-taught programmer who love formal education, became an MSc in Computer Science while working full-time in a fast-growing start-up http://tenfold.com. Planing for someday work towards a PhD someday, for now focused on working on challenging and fun projects.

Now a days I split my time between my Open source, My own products and my Job at Vida while not traveling with my wife.

Active Software Projects


NunDB is an open-source real-time database, made to be fast, light, easy to use, memory safe and horizontal scalable.

Vilarika SaaS

Vilarika SaaS company Gerir-me is an ERP, CRM, and general manager platform for small business in Brazil, today used by more than 600 small businesses, most of them in the beauty businesses(hair and beauty salon and barbershops ), and all back-end services written in Scala.

I run this company for over ten years as a side project, today I dedicate ~4 hours a week, I have a partner that works full time and help me run this business. I work in R&D and code/infra. We have 99.9% of availability and a CI/CD pipeline that delivery from the commit to production in 14mins, I am proud of the process I have done there. It works for me like a place where I can experiment, test new things, and get feedback from real paying customers without experimenting in my day-to-day job.


Google scholar Research Gate

Highlighted researches

Analyzing The Impact Of Feedback In GitHub On The Software Developer’s Mood

Software development depends on cooperation between people, and the way it works can define the future of the software project. Developers emotions affect their productivity and way they work, yet there is little information about how developers can influence the mood of each other. As a first step toward understanding how feedback may affect the developers’ sentiment, this paper analyzes the mood variations on more than 78k pull requests and 268k pull comments on GitHub. We found that in 31.16% of the cases the developers presented a significant mood variation within one hour when receiving feedback on their pull requests. The variation reduces to 18.16% when evaluating one day before and after the commentary. In software projects with less than 34k lines of code, the number of developers that never contribute again after receiving a negative comment on the first pull request is 10.97%; this number more than doubles to 24.02% when evaluating projects with more than 197k lines of code.


I am a passionate developer that loves to build solutions and solve problems, with knowledge in many programming languages, platforms, and frameworks. I have been working as a developer since 2007, and my experiences are from developing software as service (5 years), creating development tools (3 years), ERP solutions (3 years) and as a consultant developer in many projects (5 years), as a Tech lead or as an individual contributor. I have strong experience with the following technologies: Node.js, React, Scala, Mobile(Android), Java, Angular, MongoDb, Redis, Memcached, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, and Docker.

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Old projects

Openapitest Framework The purpose of this openapitest framework is to simplify authoring, organizing, executing, and reporting result of API tests using API specification. It runs on node.js and distributed via npm. Add this module to your node.js project as a development dependency and start writing API or Integration tests using YAML language.

Docbase (Retired in favor of gatsbyjs) Turn .md files into a beautiful documentation hub with versioning and beautifully rendered menus.

Youtube collabs Videos lives (PT-BR)

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